Freelance Creative Director and Strategist
Biology/Design, Art/Science, Tech/Society

The Biocreative Index
Creative Direction
Art Direction

Future Organisms


Jimena Peck

Workshop Curator
Erika Szymanski
cookie egret
Future Organisms was a 2 day experimental workshop in 2023 that gathered two dozen international artists, designers, biologists, and social scientists in Fort Collins, Colorado, co-created between Colorado State University, the University of Edinburgh, and Keio University. Over the course of the workshop, participants were asked to build living room objects that might help us reimagine our relationships with nature.

I was tasked with creative directing the output of the workshop and how it might translate into a print artifact. I concepted a creative direction for the book, sourced materials for the workshop, and brought in Jimena Peck to photograph the event and the objects. At the conclusion of the workshop, each participant brought their object to Jimena and I. Together we styled and photographed over 30 objects on the fly in various indoor and outdoor environments.

Creative Direction

Grace Chuang